Monday, November 10, 2008


So this whole thing started late one night while goofing off on the internet (something I am a little too good at these days). I came across a news article about Prop 8, a recently approved amendment to the California constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Not too out of the ordinary, 48 out of 50 states have laws or amendments to their constitutions defining marriage so, but California is renown for their progressive attitudes toward sexuality (they don't call San Francisco "the city of brotherly love" for nothing). There was a huge homo mobilization effort to vote down this proposition, and when it failed, they needed a scapegoat. Instead of blaming the more than 50% of California voters who approved the proposition, instead of attacking the 70% of African-American voters who approved the proposition, instead of vilifying Catholics or any of the other major religions who supported the measure...

They go after the Mormons.

They want to add a proposition to the next general election that would strip the Mormon church of its tax-exempt status, for its propaganda campaign they waged against those poor repressed homos. Additionally, they want to mobilize the gay community to boycott Utah, because that's the best thing they could come up with second to blockading California temples.

Because apparently everyone who lives in Utah is a Mormon, and all the Mormons ganged up to take away their rights (which the judicial system illegally legislated in their behalf, which is a horse of a different color), and therefore all Utah citizens must face the wrath of the flamers!

Holy horsecrap, Batman! I think they're serious about this!

The moral of the story is this: grow up. Stop blaming the consequences of your lifestyle choices on the first identifiable group that pisses you off. And for the love of all that is holy, if you're going to cry foul, at least have a good argument to back you off so you don't come off as a bunch of sore losers.

I say again: grow up. Or move to Connecticut or Massachusetts, where gay marriage is still smiled upon (at least temporarily) by the judicial system. But don't blame the Mormons.

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