Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Related News...

I love it.

Shortly after Prop 8 was passed, L Whitney Clayton, the LDS Church liason to the coalition of churches supporting Prop 8, issued a statement saying the following:

"[Church leaders] do not object to rights for same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights. "

So, in essence, the church has come out and explicitly stated that they are not trying to take away gay rights, they just want marriage, and all its implications, to be reserved for heterosexual couples. No one is being oppressed, no on is being downtrodden, no one should have to line the streets singing "We Shall Overcome." And definitely no one should be boycotting Utah and blockading temples.

The stupidity of some never ceases to amaze.

1 comment:

Ben and Mara Gardner said...

I agree! This is a great blog that I just "happened" to come across. :) You better keep posting!